Payments & credit control
Credit balances / how to pay off credit balance?
Account name: IBP Re Banner Limited
Account Number: 20843360
Sort Code: 308012
Or call into the office and pay by card (not American Express.)
Or send a cheque to: FTAO Credit Control, Banner Ltd, Kennet Way, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 8RN
Where do I find my customer account code?
Can I have a copy of my invoice?
Which invoices relate to which order or despatch?
Can I have a statement?
What was my payment allocated to?
Can I have a breakdown of VAT for a certain timeframe?
How do I get a refund?
BACS payments will require your bank details.
My account is on hold on the web. What do I need to do?
Can I have an activity report for my account?
Can I have invoices and statements to more than one e-mail address?
Can I have invoices and statements in a different format?
What are your bank details?
Sort code – 30-80-12
Account – 20843360
IBAN – GB15LOYD30801220843360